God’s Call (1)
Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: Gen. 12:1
When God calls you, it is to get your attention; and what you are expected to do is to hear and heed His call. Abraham heard and heeded God’s call and by it brought great blessings to himself and his generations to come. When God calls you, it will be specific.
God’s specific call to Abraham was to:
1. Get thee out of thy country
2. Get thee out thy kindred
3. Get thee out of thy father’s house
4. Get thee to a land that I will shew thee. Gen, 12:1
God’s call comes attached with great benefits; sadly man keeps rejecting it to his own loss.
These are the promises made by God to Abraham when God called him:
1. I will make of thee a great nation
2. I will bless thee
3. I will make thy name great
4. Thou shalt be a blessing
5. I will bless them that bless thee
6. I will curse him that curseth thee
7. In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Gen. 12:2-3.
Abraham obeyed God’s call, and all the promises God made to him and his generations came to pass. God’s blessings to Abraham are applicable to all believers if only they will need his calls.
When Abraham obeyed God’s call, he invited others with him also:
1. Abram took Sarai his wife
2. He took Lot his brother’s son
3. He took all their substance that they had gathered
4. He took the souls that they had gotten in Haran. Gen. 12:4-5
Many today have not yet heeded the call of God, not to talk of taking others with them. When you receive and obey the call of God in your life, many other people will also benefit from it. The first call of God in your life is to come out of sin, and come into the saving Grace of His Only Son, Jesus Christ (Joh 3:16). When you have obeyed the call of salvation, then you are ready to obey the specific call of God for your life.
O God my Father, forgive me for all my sins and disobedience. By your grace, I receive your salvation today through Jesus Christ your Only Son. Amen.
#call #promise #Abraham